Random acts of Violence
Life is funny. One minute you're laughing over dessert and the next a stranger walks into the restaurant and bashes your head and your friend's head into the wall next to your table, sing songs "Sorry" and leaves with a smirk on his face then looks back at you through the window as you gaze at him with a dazed expression on your face, too in shock to fathom what just fucking happened.
After a couple of minutes, our waiter came by and asked if we knew him. I was like no we do not know the guy that just bashed our heads into the wall and even if we did...WTF? So HM and I sat there for at least 30 minutes in complete and utter shock. I called my dad and then the waterworks started. My dad calmed me down and said it was probably someone on drugs and that everything would be alright. HM and I kept looking at each other in utter disbelief. Then a police van pulled up to a commotion that was happening outside the restaurant. Turns out it was the guy that had assaulted us being arrested. My adrenaline cranked up and I ran out of the restaurant and asked the cop if I could give a statement and went into hysterics about how he just walked in and bitch slapped us into the wall. There was a big crowd gathered and I have no idea what all i said but I got very emotional.
Long story short, we went to the police station along with his other victims. Chronologically, he started with us, then went down the road where he pushed a lady locking up her store, forcing her to fall into her coworker standing there (she had to go to the hospital because she couldn't walk and the coworker's knee was the size of a grapefruit), then turned back in the direction he started and pushed a girl from behind forcing her to fall to the ground (she was sooo out of it at the station). Luckily this caused people to confront him and wrestle him to the ground, not before he pushed and kicked an old man trying to help the girl out. While we were waiting around to give our statements, a man came to the station. We asked if he was another victim and he was like no I just got a call that my son was arrested. I felt really bad for the man. He seemed so normal. The police officer that took my statement said the guy was mentally ill. Turns out 2 more people called the station from the hospital about being attacked by the same person, one with a broken hip. Not sure if the case will go to trial but still shocked that people (sane or insane) can be so incredibly evil.
I'm fine just have a bump on my head from hitting the wall as does HM. I keep playing it over and over. It happened so quickly but also in slow motion, if that makes sense. I know it could have been a LOT worse and I'm just glad that everyone is relatively okay.