I made it (barely). I have so many stories from my adventure to
Africa but will have to elaborate later. I leave with Blake this afternoon for Espana but I promise to post about both trips, which if this picture (below) is any indication, will be polar opposites of each other. This is the hole I reluctantly had to pee in.... (Effing sick!)

I do however need your advice!!!
Kanger texted me when he
landed on Sunday night from his 2 week holiday in Australia. After a 24 hour flight and after leaving him with the wonderful
drunken rant in his head before he left-I'm not reading too much into this or anything -yeah right. I really didn't think he would contact me again or if he did, like after he was readjusted to London life. The text ended by asking if I had been practicing my tennis. (For our yet to be
played match). Anyway, I didn't get the text until yesterday afternoon because I didn't take my cell phone with me to BFA. I texted him back that I was glad he had a good trip and asked about his sister's wedding and that I hadn't been practicing but had picked up some pointers from Wimbledon to use on him. I went to sleep at 10pm last night without a text back-I was exhausted having not been able to sleep properly for fear of a scorpion or snake crawling into my bed. At 11:30pm, my flat phone rang (my cell was on vibrate) when Blake called to talk about some last minute Spain details. I was so out of it that I don't even remember the conversation just that it scared the shit out of me!
I did, however, in my sleepy stupor get up to look at my cell phone and saw that I had 2 missed calls, so I scrolled down and it said one was from Blake and the other from Kanger. When I went to look at the details of when Kanger had called, I accidentally deleted the call record. So now I don't know if I was so asleep that I imagined that I had a missed call from him or if he really did meraculously call. He didn't leave a message. So now I don't know what to do. I'm not one to return a call if there isn't a message unless it's one of my good friends, especially now that I don't really have proof it happened. Mandy suggests I wait it out this weekend to see if he contacts me again while I'm gone and if he doesn't to just send a friendly "Hey what's up?" text on Monday. Thoughts?
UPDATE: I got home on Sunday to find a text from Kanger, so my initial plan of should I or shouldn't I send a text was kyboshed. I texted him back to be nice. He kept asking about this tennis match of ours and I didn't push when, how, what and he was doing all the work. He's even apologizing if he doesn't get back to me right away. So we are playing on Thursday- I think. No justt kidding we will. And I know you guys will probably be disappointed that I'm even meeting him but it's just something I need and want to do. I'm going out with the COG tomorrow night so it's not like I'm pinning away for Kanger. Although the COG is another situation in and of itself. I just want to have fun!Labels: COG, Friends, Kanger, Life, London, Work