Texas Cinderella

A Texan, born and raised, found emerged back to home town values after being subjected to the concrete jungle of New York City. Currently encountering crazy antics in London.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thou shall be named...Cock Blocker

I haven't had a chance to tell you guys about the Happy Hour I organized for people I work with in order to get to know them better back in April. Mainly to get to officially meet Mr. Bean and another cute coworker, but I digress. The turn out was awesome and everyone keeps asking when I'm going to put together another one.

The only bad thing that came out of it is that I have a stalker. Not a bonafide look-over-your-shoulder-everywhere-you-go but a blow-up-your-email-and-stop-by-your-desk-fifty-million-times-a-day one. My boss has resorted to humming "Love is in the air" every time he comes around.

I initially (before I knew the crazy) had a goal to get to be friends with him on Facebook because I was pretty positive that there were incriminating drunken pics of me from the company Christmas party and I wanted to see them myself. We would say hi and talk in groups and then somehow one day we were friends. Which was fine. Nothing creepy at all.

One night out, my friends and I ran into him and we all hung out. No harm. That night we became friends on Facebook and thankfully the pics weren't too bad. I had planned a Oxford vs. Cambridge boat race party at a pub on the Thames and somehow he popped up. We weren't that good of friends for me to invite him and no one else invited him either. Hmmm...

Then I started getting emails from him. I chalked it up to friends so I would respond but not all interesting like just nice and friendly. Then they started coming before I would have a chance to reply back to the first one. Who does that? So I reined in my replies.

Then the Happy Hour happened and while I was the "host", I was mingling around the bar. I finally got to meet Mr. Bean, who is funny in person, and his friends. Then I would feel "the shadow" at my side, ANSWERING questions that Mr. Bean would ask me. For example: Mr. Bean and I live one tube stop away but don't see each other in the mornings/evenings.

Mr. Bean: How come I never see you on the tube?
Me: (about to speak)
Shadow: Texas isn't a morning person.

WTF? I don't wake up next to the flipping Shadow...but to Mr. Bean it appears that I do. If that isn't cock blocking, I don't know what is.

So CB's emails continued and mine stopped. He even asked what I was doing one weekend and I told him and he asked who with and I told him with Nate the guy I'm dating. Thinking he would get the hint that way. No dice.

Can I just tell you that in the time that I have been gone, all 15 days, I have received 12 emails him via Facebook and work email. I responded only once through work email to thank him for inquiring about my surgery and that I would see him when I got back in the office in a couple of weeks. I didn't want to seem like a jerk when he clearly was concerned but that is all that I responded. The emails did not stop. I got a "have a good flight home one" and then a "welcome back to London" one today. Who keeps emailing when clearly the person has not responded and appears likely to never respond.

I'm nervous about what tomorrow will bring. Everyone I work with knows about the stalker. He's even working on a project now with my boss since I've been gone. Oh joy to have him in our area more than necessary. I might have to have a talk with him.

You better believe that Nate is my "boyfriend" now.

But why is it the ones we don't want, can't get enough and the ones we do want, can't get away fast enough?

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well, no update on the Nate situation. It seems he's done a runner and I won't be hearing from him again. Because who really doesn't wish you a safe trip and surgery, even as a friend? (Update: I got a text this morning while getting ready for the airport: Have a good trip. I think I'm just going to text back: Thanks. And leave it at that). Next. Oh but Nate, thanks for all of the 10th grade dry humping...I really enjoyed it. And no, that doesn't happen to everyone and it IS a problem.

I'm over it.

Anyway, I leave tomorrow morning for H-Town and after I arrive I'll have t-minus 12 hours before I go under the knife. Yikes! Super nervous about it but in the long run it will be okay. Plus I'll be able to breathe and (hopefully) not snore when I'm sleeping next to my Prince Charming someday. I know he's out there but the universe just wants me to busy myself with a bunch of frogs at the moment. At least it makes for some decent stories.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to busying myself with family and friends for the next couple of weeks - I plan to milk being "the patient" for all it's worth!

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Houston, we have lift off...

It works but I don't think we're going to work. After 24 hours together with a basically one sided conversation, I've had enough.

I met his friends at the park and it just seemed that I was in the way of catching up. What should have been an afternoon of boozing in the park turned into a sober one with hours slowly ticking by. Nate decided to detox from alcohol for a week and not wanting to seem like an alcoholic, I refrained as well. It was just awkward. I'm a talker. I'm outgoing. I like finding out new and interesting things about people but not when the person I'm trying to find out about said things only gives me yes or no answers with NO elaboration, my stubbornness shines through and I'm just done trying. I'm especially done when there's no flirtation to help me to know things are okay.

Granted the whole day wasn't like that. Some good conversations happened. But it's as if Nate is like Fun Bobby from Friends. Take away the alcohol and I've got nothing. When we went back to my flat after the park he was all flirty. Cuddling and kissing me. Then I got ready for us to go and meet my work friends at a pub for the house warming party.

When we got there, this Polish girl was there who works at my company and I've met her NUMEROUS times. I have even eaten lunch with her before. She introduced herself as if she was seeing me for the first time. I, at that point, had had a glass of wine (while Nate drank his flipping water) and was in a confrontational mood. Not even a month ago, she met up with a group of people from work after the Oxford vs. Cambridge boat race and we all went out. I even said she knew our mutual friend and she had no clue who he was either. Nate was squirming the whole time while I "politely" told her we had met SEVERAL times. But come on just pretend that you've met me...BECAUSE YOU HAVE. Anyway, she then blatantly hit on Nate in front of my face. I later totally called him out on it and he played dumb. Crazy card comes out again. But the correct answer would have been "Whatever TC, she's a dumb ass and ugly". But again I got none of that.

We went and grabbed dinner at a restaurant by my house and then rented a movie off of itunes and tried to watch it. Since it's hot here and I have no A/C the windows were open and it made it very hard to hear anything. Then Nate wasn't feeling well so I said he could lay down in my bed since it was cooler in my room. So we lied down and then we started kissing. And that's when it FINALLY happened (and again in the morning - not sex). But instead of being his caressing, sweet cuddling self, he barely held me. Maybe it was because it was hot but still. I brought up the whole hard to read thing and how I couldn't understand his texts and how frustrating it was. And he said I could call him or email him, too. I then told him how I've put myself out there like that before and have been burned in the past so he would have to initiate. Especially since my UK cell phone will not be on or work to receive text messages while I'm in the States. I'm sorry but I'm a planner. But now I don't even think it's worth the one sided effort.

It's entirely whateves. I've deleted his number from my phone because a.) I don't need the temptation of making contact first after sharing how I felt - to which he squirmed and couldn't get out of my flat fast enough. b.) I'm the one leaving, he should be the one telling me to have a safe trip, good surgery and that he will be in touch via email, etc. while I'm gone. And maybe that he'll miss me a little. I NEED COMMUNICATION. It shouldn't be this hard.

Folks, I don't think we have a winner.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Meet the Friends

So things with Nate are good and I didn't scare him away with the crazy. I heard from him this week and we have plans to meet up with several groups of his friends in Hyde Park today to enjoy the 80 degree temperatures and hopefully work on our tans! I'm feeling the pressure to be ON but I think it will be lots of fun so I'll let you know the outcome. We might go to one of my friend's house warming party so the shoe will be on the other foot...I'm excited to see him which is always a good sign!

In other news, I won't be homeless! Since I'm moving here permanently, I'm essentially being cut off from expenses and my $3,200 (everything is made out of gold here) a month flat. I'm moving in with HM (aka Lamey Lamerson) but I think it will work out fine. After searching for several weeks and seeing nothing but shit holes, we found a perfect flat one tube stop away from where I currently live (choice location) and I'm super excited about it! We don't move in until June 15th but we're both going out of the country next week and wanted this sorted before we left.

So now all I have to stress about is work, my 10 hour flight home (of course cured by Xanax) and my deviated septum surgery on Thursday. Since I can't fly for 2 weeks after due to pressure, my company is letting me work from home which is awesome. I'm secretly glad I don't have to trek to the Houston office looking like I just got a nose job!

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Monday, May 05, 2008

Anything goes

I met up with Harris on Saturday for some aquarium adventures and we had a good time looking at fish. We decided afterwards to grab a drink at a boat pub on the Thames since it was so nice out.

Mistake #1: Drinking on only a 6-inch Subway veggie pattie after going to the gym.

The conversation flowed like I knew it would and after my pint of Bulmers (delicious, highly potent cider), we headed to Chinatown for some much needed food.

Mistake #2: Trying to eat to soak up said alcohol while consuming half a bottle of wine does not help your situation and it makes the drunkenness much worse.

We chatted about who we are talking to/dating. I told him about Nate and his "problem" and he told me about how he's talking to his ex-girlfriend (she's back in Philly) but they are different religions so it's a problem for him. He said Nate's problem had nothing to do with me which was nice to hear.

Mistake #3: Deciding to go to yet another pub for more alcohol.

We talked about our hook up on my birthday. And the sexual tension continued. Innuendos flying left and right. Flirtiness. Highly inappropriate.

Mistake #4: Dancing.

We both love to dance and are actually move great together. This created a problem since the dancing was very suggestive. Hands were all over the place and we decided before things got more naughty to go back to my place. I should tell you that the tube stops running at 12.30 and since we had started drinking at 5pm, it was only 10.30pm when we went back to my place. Pathetic!

So clothes came off and things happened...not of the sexual nature (oral or otherwise) but you know...things. We both passed out and then like last time he was up at the butt crack of dawn putting his clothes on and getting the heck out of dodge. We had plans to go to the British Museum Sunday afternoon and decided we still should go.

So I took a nap and met him at 3pm at the Museum. Some slight awkwardness but we both knew that it wasn't going to work and that we should be friends. So we had a great day at the Museum and then shared a bottle of wine and sushi plus other drinks before parting ways. Things are fine and I might even see him this weekend for Karaoke but I'm past the random hook ups. I missed being held and having someone look into my eyes. I missed Nate.

*I should note that I hadn't spoken (read: texted) with Nate since Thursday so I sent him a friendly WTF? text from the last bar on Saturday night. Needless to say he was very confused and things went back and forth with him saying he was catching up with old friends and that it wouldn't be polite for him to be on the phone all the time and that he would talk to me the next day. I texted back Fine and then took Harris back to my place.

I feel bad about it but whatever we aren't exclusive so it's not like I cheated. Anyway, Nate texted me Sunday morning to see how my head was feeling after my day/night of drinking. I texted him back and told him I was sorry the alcohol got way ahead of me and that I totally understood about not texting while catching up with friends. I told him to enjoy the rest his trip and that I'd talk to him when he got back to London. We'll see if that happens. When I told Mandy the story, she said that I let the crazy out too soon but we both agreed I redeemed myself with the nonchalant text back.

Things are just messed up right now because I go home in a week for 2 1/2 weeks and I don't know how things are going to progress when he only likes texting and my UK cell phone will be out of commission.

I know I'm overanalyzing and freaking out but I can't help it, it's part of my nature!

I'm going to meet friends at the river again to enjoy Cinco de Mayo aka 1st Bank Holiday in May...because you know I need ANOTHER drink. Must start detox and diet tomorrow!

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Things. Just. Got. Interesting.

I have two "dates" with Harris this weekend. I thought we would just hang out on Saturday but it seems he can't get enough. I kid! We're going to the British Museum one day and then the Aquarium the next and I'm sure pub crawling in between. All at his suggestion.


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Thursday, May 01, 2008


And now boys and girls we've reached the point in dating when frustration takes over.

Nate and I saw each other last night and watched the Liverpool vs. Chelsea match. Nate was hungry after and decided he wanted Subway which happened to be in my neighborhood. I suggested to Nate that he could eat it at my flat. Nate responded "Okay but I'm not going to be able to spend the night". This is the part where the record scratched and I stopped walking and said "I never said anything about that but we can go back to Subway and you can eat your sandwich if you want". Nate backpedaled and said he shouldn't have assumed that. Um yeah. Especially since there is still performance anxiety (yeah, I know but I'm giving it three strikes you're out). It's called...drumroll, please. Hanging. Out.

So Nate came over and ate his flipping sandwich and we chatted and then started kissing. And kissing. and kissing. Look Ma, no hands. Then Nate said he had to go otherwise he was never going to leave. So we hugged goodbye and he left. I watched him walk down the street from my window because it was slightly awkward when he left and I wanted to see if he was texting someone since he seemed slightly nervous and distracted. But nope. And I really don't think there is anyone else he's talking to...He did stop, turn and look up at my flat though...not sure if he saw my silhouette through the blinds or not.

Anyway, this weekend we have Monday off, so he's going to New Castle on Saturday morning until Monday afternoon. He knows that my weekend schedule has nothing planned for Friday (slightly done on purpose for hanging out with him but whateves) and neither does his. But did he ask me to do anything. No. I might have been a little passive aggressive on the effing text messaging tonight. "I guess have a good trip then..." to which he totally changed the subject. So I was sweet back and we ended it like we normally do with good nights and sleep wells.

I guess the weekend will tell how Nate feels about me and if he thinks about me on his trip.

In the meantime, I'm hanging out with Harris this weekend. Bonafide antics to follow. And trouble.

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