Texas Cinderella

A Texan, born and raised, found emerged back to home town values after being subjected to the concrete jungle of New York City. Currently encountering crazy antics in London.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Times up...but not really

Well, Lent is over and I'm officially/unofficially on the market again. The 40 days and 40 nights were actually really good for me. It made me see what I want out of a relationship.

Don't hate but I met up with Skully at the beginning of Lent (only because I saw him at work and decided that we could be friends, for work sake). I was reminded yet again why I'm not supposed to be with him - because he's a high strung ass - but I might have had a weak moment of kissing (the 3 glasses of wine made me do it and the devil). I quickly snapped out of it when I remembered that 1) he has a girlfriend he dumped me for and 2) I am sick of being the flipping side dish. I deserve to be the main course! So I asked him to leave and told him we couldn't be friends. I feel sorry for his girlfriend though. Lots of stuff could have gone way further but call me crazy for not wanting to feel like shit the morning after. Enough is finally enough.

I stayed on Lent for an additional day to repent for my slip up!

Anyway, I took the time to finally grieve over Kanger - I know pathetic - but it was much needed since there were the band-aids distracting me. Now I don't look for him everywhere I go in the city and my Facebook "browsing" has been kept in check, which is a huge fete.

So I'm ready. I'm not actively pursuing anything but I'm ready. I know I will feel that way about someone again. I don't need to rush anything because, big news, I'm in the process of negotiating to stay here permanently (the work stress I was vague about a few weeks ago).

I'm just going to let life happen. I've booked up my calendar with fun friend activities and who knows who I might meet while doing them!!!

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's the craic?

Dublin was awesome! I loved Ireland and hope to go back soon to be able to do actual sightseeing. This trip was mainly St. Paddy's/my friend's birthday celebrations complete with getting green smeared all over my face from a certain Dutch boy that had a shamrock painted on his cheek. We danced the night away while I kept dodging his kissing advances. Don't worry, no kisses were shelled out but I think I'm still scrubbing the paint off! :) I highly recommend Cafe de Seine and The Porterhouse - both play excellent music!

I'm off to Houston tomorrow for the weekend (well until Tuesday). Thought I'd take advantage of having tomorrow and Monday off here. Should be a good and hopefully relaxing this time.

Have a great holiday weekend!

I leave you with some pics from the parade...

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top of the mornin'!

I'm off to Dublin for St. Patrick's Day shenanigans. Super exited and hopefully some of that Irish luck will rub off on me! :)

With copious amounts of Guiness, it’s guaranteed crazy antics are sure to ensue!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby's got blue skies up ahead...

This Tuesday is much better. The future looks and feels better. My mini freak-out subsided (but lingering ever so slightly) and I've been working things out, mostly in my head.

So my outlook on life is good and I'm concentrating on trying to just go with the flow when I hit a road block.

*Don't worry, I'm still on hiatus and currently listening (on repeat) the Garden State soundtrack.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Worked Up

I'm at home now so as to NOT have my nervous breakdown at work. A lot of things are happening all at once and they're time sensitive so as to increase the pressure in my life. I know it will pass but I can't help crying uncontrollably and being a passive aggressive biotch to everyone that crosses my path.

In an effort to take me back to my youth, when times were so much easier and other people made my decisions, I just ate my weight in mini-strawberry cupcakes. I'm also watching this on repeat. It helps.

I hate being a grown-up!

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

IKEA is the bomb!

Today, in an effort to help us forget about "Oops-upside-your-head-Thursday", HM and I ventured up to IKEA for some retail therapy. I had been semi-agoraphobic all day yesterday (plus needed to save money since I've been going out a lot lately) and was looking forward to our little outing. We were literally 10 feet away from making our purchases when we were ushered out of the store because of a bomb threat. Awesome. We didn't have to wait that long to collect our belongings, so it must not have been real.

But in the words of Elliot Reed, "What the FRICK?????"

Seriously, Universe?

Luckily, I'm finding all of this hysterically funny and I can't wait to see what's in store for next week!

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