On my way to my first bikram yoga class. That's 100 degrees F for an hour and a half. What have I gotten myself into???
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Camden Town,United Kingdom
A Texan, born and raised, found emerged back to home town values after being subjected to the concrete jungle of New York City. Currently encountering crazy antics in London.
On my way to my first bikram yoga class. That's 100 degrees F for an hour and a half. What have I gotten myself into???
Location:Camden Town,United Kingdom
You know what really sucks? Losing another grandparent in the span of six months and having to say goodbye to your 90 year-old grandmother because she's "ready to go". She's been in the hospital since Monday and isn't eating or drinking and the doctors have called in Hospice. It's also heartbreaking to speak with your bawling father on the phone while he watches his mother slip away.
I got a mass email from Mark today informing us that he will be out of London for the next year. Turns out he's moving to Paris on Monday. Slightly sad about this because a) there isn't time to say goodbye as he's going to Iceland on Thursday until Sunday and b) he's missing Skully's return from Dubai drinks on Friday. The ones I was excited to see him at so I could speak Spanish to him. He did say in our brief emails that I could come and visit after he was settled in. We'll see. Plus he'll be in London often so I'm sure I'll see him but I'm just bummed.
-Almost at the same time that I received Mark's email, Graham emailed me to tell me that he's back at our company. Luckily he's not in our building which I was totally freaking out that he was until he said he was at the satellite building. Phew! We're friends and I've come to the decision that he has autistic tendencies and until he turns them around that's all we can ever be. He turns 36 on would think he'd be a grown up by now.
-I can't remember if I wrote about a German guy I met at a dinner for work last year. At the time I told him to facebook friend me and he said he wasn't on it. Somehow it came out that he had a long distance girlfriend somewhere and that's when my interest level stopped. We texted back and forth a couple days after he went back to Germany but I left it since I didn't want to be a home wrecker. Cut to last week and he asked me to be his friend. I accepted and then looked at his profile and I’m his only friend. It’s like he signed up just to contact me.
He messaged me and asked me out for drinks because he’ll be in town on Thursday but I have plans…he lives in Birmingham (UK not Alabama) now which is only an hour or so away from London. I unfortunately already have plans on Thursday so I told him to let me know the next time he’s in town and we can meet up. He wrote back that he would like me to be his tour guide and that he would come down for a day. I wrote back "As long as your girlfriend won’t mind you can come on Sunday". I figure that way he won’t think he’s staying over or anything since it’s a week night. He told me not "to concern myself about a girlfriend".
Not sure if he's being sleek or speaking German-English for "we broke up" but I guess he's coming on Sunday.
Labels: Boys, Dirty Thirty, Graham, Life, London, Mark, Skully, Work
Just got my iPhone and am trying it out.