Texas Cinderella

A Texan, born and raised, found emerged back to home town values after being subjected to the concrete jungle of New York City. Currently encountering crazy antics in London.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


I'm twenty-eight today. Thought my life would have been way different today...i.e. working on kid number 2. But this is not the case. Instead, I will be flying to Italy to have a rendezvous with a gorgeous Italian. Hey, that scenario isn't half bad!

The birthday was quite good. Drinking in the middle of the day with my English and Kiwi co-workers and trying to hide the fact that they could handle their alcohol 100% better than me.

I'm sure there will be loads to fill you in on the trip. Plus the interesting fact that Aunt Flow decided to pay me an early visit. WTF? Should be very interesting indeed.

Ciao for now....(!!!!!)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This makes me feel better...

Today's Horoscope:

The people you respect may not understand your plans, but that doesn't mean you should abandon them. The fact is, you need to let both your creativity and your common sense have equal say in the matter.

Still keeping my mouth shut!
Almost let it slip I was going to Italy to mom count:7

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Killing me softly

I share almost everything with my mom. We have a more best friend type of releationship that is great but every so often I over step my daughter boundaries and the mom card will came out. Remember when I was going to meet Gianluca in Canada? (wish I could link but this internet sucks and takes to long- look in September posts) Remember when the shit hit the fan and she was very disappointed in me? Well I learned my lesson that some things are just not meant to be shared with the mom. So talking to her from a cross the pond and NOT mentioning my trip this weekend is killing me. But I just can't bring myself to hear the disappointment and worry. This was emphasized when I was just chit chatting and told her that I got a space heater in my hotel room so I wouldn't freeze at night. She went off for 5 minutes on how I need to turn it off while I slept so as not to burn to death....yada, yada, yada. Can you imagine the tangent she would go on if I told her I was spending the weekend with the Italiano? So I think I will keep it to myself and when I'm home at Christmas I will casually bring it up and be like see, I wasn't kidnapped, raped or murdered...which I'm sure would be her key points for me not to go this weekend. I can't help but think, what if something does happen to me? What if my plane malfunctions and my parents have to read about their only child was going somewhere other than exploring London for the weekend? My brain could go on with what ifs but in the mean time I will be exhausted by keeping my mouth shut!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

After school (work) special

While the rest of America is feasting on turkey, cranberries and pumpkin pie, I'm in my hotel room after a long day of work watching the 1987 made-for-TV movie, "Daddy". My hotel has a WHOLE channel that plays really bad made-for-TV movies from way back in the day, 24/7.

Some of you might remember this special gem. They might have even showed it to you during Sex-Ed to scare the living shit out of you into not having premarital sex. If you took the risk, you might end up like Stacy (played by Patricia Arquette) and Bobby (played by Dermot Mulroney) as run down teenage parents. I have to say that Dermot Mulroney is ultra hot in this flick and if he'd gone to my high school I would have totally "put myself at risk"!

Happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for great American television....I know I am.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Un biglietto

I have a ticket. To Italy. For next weekend. To see Gianluca. Crazy? Yes. But very excited about it. I leave December 1st...the day after my 28th birthday. Un regalo to myself if you will.

I'm treating it as a fling type weekend and if it leads to something more...so be it. I'm not getting my hopes up...but let's face it- Texas Cinderella needs to "complete all tasks" as Gianluca says.

Oh and he drives a flipping Vespa. It's going to be my very own "Roman Holiday"-weather permitting- but in Florence!

I am a little concerned, however, that when I arrive in Italy I will face a billboard a la "Natonal Lampoon's: European Vacation" of myself in the buff from G and my web cam chats. All my friends tease me that I am secretly famous over there. We shall see....;)

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Monday, November 20, 2006


Facts about the Kiwi I wish I would have known before developing crush:

Fact 1: He is only 25

While walking to grab lunch.

TC: I really want to travel a lot while I'm in Europe
Kiwi: In adorable New Zealand accent,Oh, right you should definitely get a student pass. It's for people 26 and younger and you end up paying like 1/3 the price!
TC: Really? That is a great price but...Er...I actually can't qualify for that now...
Kiwi: Surprised look on his face, Oh well I only have one more year before I'm illegible
TC: Hmmmmm....

Fact 2: He has a flipping girlfriend

We ride the same tube line. Today at 5:30pm (closing time), I noticed that he wasn't packing up his stuff to go. Let me also mention that while at lunch we were talking about our weekends. He mentioned that he went up to Manchester or wherever and had to ride train back to the city standing up because it was so crowded. I told him that sounded terrible especially with luggage for that long. He said he didn't have luggage and ended up just wearing the same clothes all weekend....told you he was rugged. That screams "I don't have a girlfriend" if I ever heard it....wrong!

TC: While packing up to go home, in a joking voice, Working overtime, Kiwi?
Kiwi: Oh yeah I've got to get some stuff done before next week ...that and I have to meet me girlfriend at 8 so I might as well stay here....
TC: Wind knocked out of me...must recover gracefully and act normal while blushing out of control and trying not to look at him...why do i act so ridiculous? Long pause. Of course....swallow...Right that would be silly...Wellgoodnightseeyoutomorrowhaveagoodnight.....


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey look kids, there's Big Ben and there's Parliment!

I arrived in London in a Xanax state of mind but a great one at that! London is fabulous! I haven't gotten to venture out yet due to the jet lag but plan to very soon! I did go up to Notting Hill during the day on Sunday though.

Work is good. It's very laid back and the people are very nice. One in particular is extremely nice...to look at! He's my age and from New Zealand. You can imagine a rugged 6'0", brown hair, blue eyed guy with an accent that would make you melt! I love how he says my name too! I ask him random questions just to hear him talk!

In other news...it seems that I may be going to Florence to see Mr. Gianluca this weekend! Haven't booked my ticket yet but it's looking that way. I thought I would have more time to starve and primp but looks like time is of the essence!

I will write more when it's not £10 a day ($20) for the internet on my laptop. I'm moving hotels so that should do the trick! Hope all is well in the US and other parts of the world.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday...

I actually leave on Saturday, November 11th, but the song was fitting! That's right, I'm going to London for 6 weeks and then I will see if I get a contract to actually live there!!! Hello expense report, room service and hot British men!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Doesn't it always happen this way?

I chatted with Gianluca yesterday, whom I haven't talked to in over two weeks. He told me that he is possibly coming to Houston for business at the beginning of December. He also informed me that he no longer has his girlfriend and is looking forward to enjoying our time together while he is here, after he confirmed that I don't have a boyfriend. Exciting news, right?

Cut to this morning. I received a phone call from the London office. Essentially they want me to potentially leave to work in London in a week and a half! Mini freak out in my head while he was telling me this but it won't be confirmed until Friday. I would be there until right before Christmas, come back to Houston for the holidays and then go back in January. It's not moving there yet, which is good that I will have a "trial run" of London to see if I really like it.

I should be super pumped about all of this and I am but I can't help but think that I will be missing Gianluca while he is here. Of course, his meeting may or may not actually happen. Don't get me wrong, I will be choosing my career and going to London but still. My friends told me I should just hop on a plane and go and see him for a weekend while I'm over there. Maybe I will be getting my Italian vacation and hook up after all....

But doesn't it always happen like this? You have this image in your head about how your life is going to go and them BAM it's changed. Just. Like. That!