Texas Cinderella

A Texan, born and raised, found emerged back to home town values after being subjected to the concrete jungle of New York City. Currently encountering crazy antics in London.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Yesterday, I found out that one of my best friend's and old college roommate, LT, is going to have a baby! She's my first really close friend to become pregnant and I am so unbelievably happy for her and her husband but it really puts things into perspective. We are all getting older. Aging is a great thing when you are married and life is going its normal course, but when you're still single at 27 without a prospect in the world...it slaps you into reality.

I feel as if I'm being lapped by my friends. Some of them have been married for 5 years now and I've barely gotten started in finding true love. Another one of my best friend's in Boston, CC, is going to start trying for a baby in the fall. I know that things happen at different stages for people but the thought of growing old alone in this world frightens me. I can also hear my biological clock ticking, no pounding away but there is no way of even "filling" that void right now! I have told my mom that if I'm not married by the time I'm 35, I will go to a sperm bank. I'm not even kidding. I have always wanted children and I will be damned if an absentee man holds me back from my dreams!

I always joke with my married friends to just slow down and let me catch up! That by the time I finally get married, their children will be old enough to be my junior bridesmaid/usher (as opposed to flower girl/ring bearer)! They just laugh and tell me how silly I am, but deep down we both know there is a truth to my joking. No one can say when I'm going to meet the right person. It could be tomorrow or 10 years from now.

I guess as the saying goes...slow and steady wins the race.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Officially a grown up....

I just bought my first new car today without my parents help (gasp)! This is a HUGE deal because I'm an only child and it seems like my whole life I have always gotten their approval before doing anything major. (It's a yuppie car but I've wanted it for 10 years now and I finally have it-well at the end of May I will have it! If you could see my car now-12 years old and the front bumper hanging on for dear life with duct tape...you'd understand!)

Now that I think of it, when I decided to move to New York-without a job-I sat them down for a Sunday lunch and gave them the news. I closed my eyes and prepared for the yelling to ensue. I was very surprised to find that they actually supported me on this decision-after all their baby was moving across country to follow her dreams and would be out of their reach.

The car purchase is a whole different story. My parents and I have issues concerning money, mainly because I am terrible at having it in my possession. I'm a lot better now after my wakeup call of the New York City credit card debt. I know exactly what I can afford on a monthly basis in car payments and insurance but next Friday I'm going on an interview with a non-profit company. I'm not sure what the pay will be but typically it's lower than a corporate company.

The only problem is that I really want this job. It's a Development Associate position with a large hospital in Houston and I would be on a team that obtains funding for research and new programs. I think it would be a great opportunity and very rewarding. I would feel good about getting up to go to work everyday(something I loathe presently) and making a difference in the world.

I'm hoping for a trifecta in my life: new car, new job and then...new boyfriend.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Three strikes you're out...

Thursday was NOT my lucky night. With a plethora of guys in the mix... I managed to get rejectified by all of them. Here's what went down at a work happy hour last week:

Strike One- Engineering Guy, wasn't supposed to even make an appearance but managed to stop by. I saw him come in and waited to finish my conversation before making my walk by. He was talking to MJ so I joined in their conversation. I looked great, I was being super witty and funny and asked the right amount of questions but in turn did not get the same reciprocation. Not one question. Once. He now blows in my mind and has a personality of a knat so I'm not really missing out on that one.

Strike Two- I was introduced to this very cute guy with a very pretentious name like Hollace or Hale or something. He went to Auburn in Alabama and had the accent to match. Very cute indeed. Then the waitress came by in her too short shirt and too short skirt and I completely lost his attention. His eyes were popping out of his head.

Strike Three- Later in the night I started chatting up a guy that was a pilot AND an Imax screen cleaner. Random. Imax was hilarious. They were playing 80s tunes and I kept putting a fake microphone under his mouth and he would sing every word. So funny! We hung out forever making jokes and laughing. The time came when it was time to make my exit and low and behold, he did NOT ask for my number. (The next day my friend MB, who was college roommates with Imax told me his ex-girlfriend told him she was having his baby, which he raised for 3 months before getting a paternity test and finding out it wasn't his.) I'll let that one go as having baggage. Poor guy!

To make matters worse, I called-because my text messaging wasn't working and I was a little drunk-Nabisco, whom I hadn't even heard from all week, to come meet me at the bar. He did not call me back...EVER. So actually-Strike Four!

So I am now 0-4. Awesome!

Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm a little sneaky!

In an attempt to hang out with Engineering Guy, I devised a plan for happy hour last Thursday. I sent out an email to my coworkers on Wednesday and then my partner in crime at work, AC, forwarded it to another group of coworkers including Engineering Guy-all because I didn't want Engineering Guy to know I knew his last name. Kind of stalkerish if I did, don't you think?

Thursday came and we all met at the local pub after work, except for Engineering Guy. His good friend MJ was there and I nonchalantly got it out of him that Engineering Guy's brother was in town from San Francisco and he could only see him on Thursday night because he was in a wedding in Austin for the weekend.

I decided to make the best of it.

MJ's old next door neighbor from The University of Texas was there coincidentally and our tables were right next to his, so we were all hanging out. He was very funny and super cute and two years older-always good and of course a fellow Longhorn! He's a distributor for Nabisco which kind of makes me think he is a stock boy at the grocery store but I'm sure he's not! Most of my friends left but I stayed and hung out with Nabisco and his friends. We started to talk randomly about how our cell phones have evolved over the years from the Zack Morris 5 pound weight phone to the Nokia phone with interchangeable faceplates. Smooth. That led to ringtones and I decided in my tipsiness to get a new one. I chose Purple Ribbon's "Krytonite", which impressed Nabisco with my fondness of rap. Later, when my phone hadn't rung with my new song, I announced that, "I wish someone would call me!" to which Nabisco said, "I'll call you!...What's your number?"-I totally wished he would say that! He called my phone and we all jammed out to Kryptonite. Then like a gentleman he asked if he could save my number in his phone!

His friends and I hung out a little while longer and decided we would play golf sometime soon. I haven't played in forever and I don't even own clubs but if it's a chance to hang out with the opposite sex...sign me up! I made my exit and while I said my goodbyes, Nabisco and I held each others gaze. It was a very fun night and even though Engineering Guy couldn't come, it wasn't a complete and total loss.

Saturday afternoon rolled around and I got a freaking TEXT from Nabisco asking if I was going out that night. My first thought about this first point of contact was, Not Again!. The gay texting went something like this:

N: Going out tonight?
TC: I think we are going to Midtown or something. Are you?
N: I'm thinking about it (why would he be thinking about it if he texted me going out tonight?)
TC: Well if you end up going out hopefully we can meet out
N: I'll call you if we do. Are we still on for golf?
TC: Sounds good. Fo shizzy on golf
N: Fo shizzy. That's good stuff

Then I didn't get any word from him AT ALL. Not even yesterday in a form of a text or a call. Whateves.

On another note, AB told her brother, JB, my old crush, about Nabisco. AB, JB, MC-his roommate and I all went to dinner and a movie on Saturday night. JB was incessant about giving me a hard time that Nabisco was a stock boy. This happened all through dinner, in the car to the movie, and while he was saying goodbye. Even during the movie while a grocery store scene was on, he nudge me and whispered, "I bet Nabisco is stocking that store!". It was kind of like he was jealous or something! We sat-correction-I made sure we sat next to each other during the movie and everytime he would nudge me, my stomach would get butterflies. He might be my old crush turned new crush again!