A thing called Life
Growing up in Texas was easy. A neighborhood where everyone knows your business and you in turn know theirs. Your best friend's parents were your parent's best friends. One big happy family.
If I had a choice to be sixteen forever I would. No care in the world. Everything paid for. No bills, no credit card debt, no regrets. A solid core group of friends that you depended on and would do anything for. A high school boyfriend that you envisioned marrying at the age of twenty-two, after finishing high school, going to the same college and graduating on time, moving to the same neighborhood as "The Group" and setting up shop.
Of course none of this happened for me. A thing called life got in the way. So now I am a soon to be (gasp) twenty-seven year old with a roommate (not a husband), something completely unheard of in Texas, trying to figure out where the glitch in my plan went wrong...